The Corona vírus has been severe impact in many regions. The OMS proclaimed of a pandemic situation. The dissemination of Corona Vírus is daily, and at the moment it’s impossible to predict it extension in the near future. The PORTUGAL MTB – TO BE AWESOME organization, has been following since the beginning and permanently the news and the official guidance’s of the Official and Sportive entities.
The most recent preventive measures in containment of COVID-19 pandemic taken by the authorities about the restrictions face to event organization make impossible the realization of 2020 EDITION of PORTUGAL MTB.
Due to these inability, the organization has reunited to decide about the possibility of postponement or cancellation of the event.
After a conversation with all the five evolved autarchies co-organizers of the event and after the reflection about the pros and cons, we decide to cancel the 2020 Edition of PORTUGAL MTB.
This was for sure the most difficult decision to make, but it’s our conviction that is the right one, given that we are talking of the event that brings to center region of Portugal in particular more than 200 athletes of more than 20 nationalities and 3 continents, including countries where COVID-19 has reached serious proportions. No less relevant to decision taking that a lot of the registered athletes are from countries that have already big limitations of circulation, inclusive the exit of their country.
Taken the decision of the cancelation of 2020 Edition, the Portugal MTB proposes to all athletes the possibility of choose between two options (decision that you all have to communicate to Portugal MTB organization, by email till March 31st):
- Defer the registration amount pf 2020 Edition of PORTUGAL MTB to the 2021 Edition, to take place in a date to be determined according to the UCI calendar.
- Cancel the registration in the event, with a refund of 80% of registrations PACK in the 2020 Edition, and a 100 % refund of all EXTRAS already payed.
André Duarte | General Director