S. Pedro do Sul

São Pedro do Sul is a city located in full Lafões valley, framed by Arada, Gralheira and S. Macário mountains.
There we found the typical schist villages ñ Pena village, Fujaco village, Covas do Monte or Covas do Rio village and the most Portuguese village, Manhouce, with the ethnographic traditions, gastronomic and artistic, very likable is the dish Gralheira young goat.

Known by their thermal properties, explored since the first century of our era, the thermal spa of São Pedro do Sul has a sulphurous water at 68,7∫C with verified healing properties.

In our days the São Pedro do Sul thermal spa is the most attended of our country and have excellent technical and human resources and magnificent facilities. With many festivities and festivals over the year, stands out the Honey and Chestnutís Fairy.

Gastronomically speaking the roast veal is the most famous main course, given the quality of the meat and mastery of seasoning.

Tourist Attractions

Manhouce Rote | Pena Village | Thermal Spa